Do you love tabata exercise because it provides a thorough workout? Try this tough workout on your spin bike for a lung busting workout.

This tabata protocol is simple. Use a tabata app on your phone to keep tabs, and put on your favourite tune. It will give you the motivation.

I set my tabata app for three rounds, but because I’ve not been on my bike for several weeks, I could only complete one set.

This is the tabata protocol, which I completed on my Proform TDF 1.0 Indoor Cycle at an incline of 15 (maximum) at level 15 (26 levels max).

  1. Cycle as fast as possible for twenty seconds.
  2. Rest for 10 seconds.
  3. Cycle as fast as possible for twenty seconds.
  4. Rest for 10 seconds etc

Repeat this intense cycle eight times totalling 4 minutes.

I know that this tabata protocol sounds easy, but cycling with maximum effort at the hill incline and the added resistance level made me pant heavily at my third interval.

Put your favourite tune on because you’re going to need the motivation.

Check out these great range of spin bikes for inspiration and enjoy a tough tabata workout in only four minutes. 







