remera women's lot

Remera Women’s Lot is becoming one of my firm favourite coffees from Pact Coffee. Check out all the cards I have collected from Pact Coffee over the years in this Medium post.

About the Coffee Remera Women’s Lot

Temptingly fruity, this is a classic Rwandan coffee from Remera Women’s Coffee Group.

A truly outstanding example of quality coffee, delivering wonderful flavour notes of summer blackcurrants and fresh lemon. The syrupy mouthfeel combines perfectly with a pointed citrus acidity. The brown sugar sweetness gradually fades into a long and pleasing aftertaste. All the elements of this cup are complimented expertly by the light roast profile.

About the Farmer

This group of Rwandan farmers all own their coffee farms.

Their group name is “mutegarugorikundakawa” which means “women loves coffee”. This name was chosen to encourage the group to participate in the coffee farming business, with the goal of generating income. Collectively they have 16,420 Arabica coffee trees, covering over 6.5 hectares. We are proud to be working with them to challenge gender inequality in the coffee farming industry.

Why not try a coffee subscription with PACT Coffee and save £5 off your first bag with promo code: 5OFFPACTCOFFEE. Remera Women’s Lot is delicious with has a light creamy finish. Add a nice rounded tablespoon to your cafetiere or coffee maker for a delicious coffee.