
Serrapeptase is an enzyme found in the intestine of the silkworm. The silkworm uses this protein enzyme to dissolve its cocoon before its metamorphasis into a moth or butterfly. Serrapeptase is a wonderful daily prophylaxis product to take to prevent sports injuries like sprained ligaments and pulled muscles.

About Serrapeptase

Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme which works in the body to help clear dead tissue and target inflammation and pain. It is commonly used by people to help with painful inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and other musculoskeletal issues, as well as clearing scar tissue, supporting cardiovascular health, wound healing and recovery from trauma. It is also an ideal choice to help with natural healing, sinus congestion, fluid balance, joint mobility, post-surgical recovery, as well as assistance in waste and toxin removal. It is safe for everyday use, both for general anti-ageing support or as part of a recovery plan.

I train regularly with kettlebells and there have been more than one occasion when I have pulled a shoulder or leg muscle, and increasing my intake of SerraEnzyme over two or three days has healed the areas rapidly  within days and I am able to enjoy the kettlebell workouts again.

I take serrapeptase as a prophylaxis against joint pain too. My mum takes it to help with her swollen ankles, which have healed, but she takes as a prophylaxis now, and my sister takes to ease her joint pain and also takes as a prophylaxis, and it is also helping my brother-in-law with his meniere’s disease.

I have tried other brands of Serrapeptase, but Good Health Naturally’s SerraEnzyme works quickly and performs consistently well.

SerraPet for Animals and Pets

My friend also ordered SerraPet for her horse whose leg was injured after a dangerous driver hit him while they were walking along the road. He underwent significant surgery at the vets, which did not treat the inflammatory response, but after many years of recovery, Thomas is now able to lower his foot and he is also regaining strength for horse riding. Overall, Serrapeptase really is the miracle enzyme.

SerraEnzyme is available at a dose of 80,000 IU or 250,000 IU. If you bulk buy three you will get one free. If you take one capsule daily then each bottle will last you three months (90 capsules)

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