face masks online

It makes me so sad when I visit a website that is non face mask or clothing related, and they are now selling face masks online.

ALL WEBSITES jumping on the bandwagon of ‘fashion’ ARE COMMITTING THE TORT OF NONFEASANCE and causing incredible injury to their customers, because they are failing to carry out health and safety protocols to prove that the products they sell are, 1) effective, and 2) are not going to cause irrepable long term damage to their customer’s health.


Websites Selling Face Masks Online

All of these websites, apart from Shot Dead in the Head, who are NO LONGER selling the face masks online, are causing wilful injury to their customers in promoting and selling face masks. I will continue to list these companies, and each one before they are listed here will receive a nice long email alertinig them to what they are pushing in selling face masks online.

ASOS have over 500 face mask brands on their website, including their own. Written to them highlighting the dangers of face masks, together with the fact that they are committing the tort of nonfeasance as absolutely no zero safety checks are being done on these products that they sell. Most people see kerching dollar signs and an easy way to make a profit, but it’s wicked to profit from something that it causing long term harm. SELLING FACE MASKS ONLINE.

Not on the High Street is another shameful online merchant who is profiting from damaging people’s health through selling face masks online. They are committing nonfeasance just like all of these ignorant websites who are hopping on the bandwagon of making an easy profit, doing it in ignorance just because everyone else is doing it. It is wrong. SELLING FACE MASKS ONLINE.

UK Office Direct sell a wide range of surgical masks, visors, and cloth / fabric masks. They are a stationery website, so why are they selling masks online? Obviously they intend to profit from harming people and believing the lying government that masks are saving lives? They will be the cause of the next epidemic of alzheimer’s disease / dementia and becuase so much damage has been done from the constant wearing of masks, no one will put two and two together and relate it to the dangerous face masks. SELLING FACE MASKS ONLINE

English Heritage sell a fabric face mask at a cost of £4. It is doubtful this website was selling face masks prior to the controlavirus nonsense, therefore they are profiting and harming people. They will be shamed in this blog post. SELLING FACE MASKS ONLINE

Pixartprinting sell fabric face masks and are profiting within this insane arena of destroying human health through impairing the immune system, contrary to what the mainstream narrative says who are liars. Disappointing stationery and printing site. Fabric face masks are one of the worse items to wear, according to the relevant face mask studies. SELLING FACE MASKS

Let’s take this website Love Garden Birds, for example. It’s a website dedicated to bird food and accessories for birds, and yet they are now selling face masks online. It’s preposterous. STILL SELLING FACE MASKS

This is another bird website, Garden Bird, now selling face masks online. They are only helping to continue this mask insanity. STILL SELLING FACE MASKS

This is another website that never used to sell face masks and hand slime, so I’ve written to Alexandra telling them about the dangers of face masks. Their website is ‘being updated’ so I hope that they make a wise decision and ditch this covid cult content. STILL SELLING MASKS.

Flyerzone has now gotten onto the profit making bandwagon of selling face masks online. From its official name, it sounds like it’s a website relating to paper based products, not masks, but they are. SELLING MASKS ONLINE

Towels R Us sounds like a website that would just sell towel related items, but they too are selling face masks online. How sad to profit from hurting people’s immune systems and brains long term. SELLING MASKS ONLINE.

I bet Christy England was not selling face masks before the COVID mask mandates, but they too are selling face masks, on top of their bath towels and bed sheets. SELLING MASKS ONLINE.

British Wholesales is another towel seller, who is also selling PPE wholesale. Again, I don’t think this company was selling face masks online prior to the scamdemic. It’s so sad for companies to profit from this health hazard. SELLING MASKS ONLINE

The Towel Shop is another one who is profiting from hurting people’s health selling face masks online. Why don’t these companies just stick to selling towels, since they have NO medical knowledge and are just blindly following similar websites doing the same. SELLING MASKS ONLINE.

Red Bubble is another website I wonder about. I doubt that it was selling face masks before the mandated face mask policy but is another who is blindly getting onto the profit wagon like so many other sad online companies. Worryingly, they sell face masks for kids. SELLING MASKS ONLINE

Chemist is just one of the very many online pharmacy websites selling masks online. Funny, they don’t mention that it’s to prevent against Covid-19. These hypocrites are making money off the scamdemic like so many thousands of companies, with masks likely made in China, and they can’t tell the truth that the masks provide no protection against viruses. SELLING MASKS ONLINE

Websites I Wrote to Who are no Longer Selling Face Masks Online

Another website now selling face masks online, when they were only selling t-shirts, hoodies, and mugs early this year, is Shot Dead In The Head. UPDATE. EITHER THEY ARE OUT OF STOCK, OR HAVE CHANGED THEIR MIND ON THE MASK POLICIES. As of 5 March 2021, NO MASKS. ♥

Conclusion on Face Masks Online

Face masks are just dumped on the street, there are no hazard bins. What about saving the planet? What does Greta Thunberg have to say about the face mask litter and plastics damage? When I sent a picture to Rochdale Council showing three surgical masks close to one another on the sidewalk, they just said to report it online. The utter stupidity and lack of common sense in people is gone.

Sadly, these companies are helping the UK into this zombie culture, and it’s just not right. Who will it be next? Waterford selling face masks online, perhaps a free mask with orders over £50? Or what about Thorntons chocolates, spend over £25 and get a free truffle covered face mask?

When will this face mask insanity end? When they’ve vaccinated everyone? Get stuffed. It is not going to happen. There is a Covid-19 cure called Hydroxychloroquine. it is FDA approved as a malaria treatment, and yet it’s also treated many Covid-19 patients, and it has also been used as a Covid-19 prophylaxis (preventative).

COVID-19 outpatients: early risk-stratified treatment with zinc plus low-dose hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: a retrospective case series study PDF

Many American Frontline Doctors got together at the Whitecoat Medical Summit to speak of their successes with this malaria drug, but sadly the social medias like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube took down the videos. However, it’s available to watch at BitChute.

It’s like face masks online have become the one most necessary item in the world. Masks are everywhere. I hate it. Independent science confirms that even N95 respirators do not provide protection against viruses, and yet face masks have become a new fad fashion accessory.