isopropyl alcohol

Isn’t it a shame that we have coronavirus price gouging sellers on sites like eBay and also Amazon selling usually cheap item like hand sanitiser or isopropyl alcohol at ridiculously high prices. Why now? Is it a coincidence that the price rises have happened during the Coronavirus outbreak? It’s absolutely shameful behaviour. I know that isopropyl alcohol is a cheap item to produce, as I’ve been buying the item in bulk for several years. It’s notCONTINUE READING…

dr martens complaint

Regarding my Dr Martens complaint, which I opened up about two weeks ago. So I’d opened a complaint against Dr Martens via Resolver, and I was getting nowhere fast. The original purchase was from Amazon, and Amazon were shunning responsibility. Dr Martens were saying that because I hadn’t purchased from them directly that I needed to liaise with where the boots were purchased, as my contract with with them. Wrote to the CEO of bothCONTINUE READING…

dr martens

These Dr Martens Original 1460 Patent Women’s Boots I’ve had since December 2016, which were a lovely Christmas gift from my partner. However, they showed these defects within 12 months of wear. In all honestly, they have been on my shoe shelf for two years, and I only wore them when we went bowling just over a week ago, but the tears are growing larger with each use. This is when I complained to thisCONTINUE READING…

I see it all the time when I’m walking, drivers who are taking their eyes off on the road and onto their mobile, when the car is not stationary. What is it going to take? DEATH of self or someone else? Put the phone down. That text or phone call can wait. If you have a bluetooth controlled car then great, answer the phone or make a call without taking your eyes off the road,CONTINUE READING…

Do you struggle with a mental illness, and you feel alone in your thoughts. Perhaps you don’t know how to communicate to your loved ones anymore. I feel like this a lot. When I’m depressed, I’m attentive to listen but it is difficult to make eye contact. However, the last thing I would ever want anyone to say about me is “that’s not my sister, or daughter, or friend”. That’s not what we need. WeCONTINUE READING…

I was once hugely into manmade or conspiracy theories, until one Sunday I woke up and the ‘fight back’ didn’t matter anymore. I would spend hundreds of pounds every few months on notary publics, swearing on the bible, denying that I had to pay anything, sending accepted for value back for payment of bills, and even printing out my own promissory notes. I was fuelled by anger. I issued commercial liens to banks, the localCONTINUE READING…

If you have found a product to sell on Amazon, and you want it fulfilled by Amazon (FBA), it is fairly easy to follow the instructions online to send your stock to be fulfilled by Amazon. It normally takes around three to four working days for the stock to be received and checked in, and then you can view it live. Another downside to selling on Amazon FBA is competition. You can either search forCONTINUE READING…

Check the supermarkets and skin stores and there are an abundance of antiperspirants, but not many deodorants. It’s just not healthy to stop the pores from sweating, and it’s not sweat that smells but when bacteria (from stress) mixes with the sweat this is what causes armpit odour. Do you know what the easiest eco friendly cheapest deodorant ever is? Bicarbonate of soda, or baking soda. However, I must warn you that it may causeCONTINUE READING…

Mobile phones cause addictive behaviour, no doubt about it. I am on my phone for most of the day, either surfing the internet, listening to Youtube videos, or playing free games through Google Play. I know I have an unhealthy addiction to my smart phone. I’ve had to curb my 8 ball pool play to two or three games per day, instead of two or three hours. So far, it’s been two days and I’veCONTINUE READING…

A small area of land has been offered to Hillside Animal Sanctuary to purchase. It is a four-acre meadow, which is situated at the back of the Sanctuary and lies between a 30-acre field where around fifty of its special care horses and ponies graze during the summer and 15 acres of Sanctuary land where their shelters are situated. For several years now, the landowner has allowed their horses to roam freely across the bottomCONTINUE READING…