1 minute reads

Hello there. I used to have a publication on Medium.com, called 1 Minute Reads, but due to my censorship on that website, I have only this website now. The number of writers requesting to join was growing day by day. I still get requests from people to join 1 Minute Reads, but Signal and their algorithms obviously do not match up with publications that no longer exist. Anyhow, this site is still available to joinCONTINUE READING…

glowing skin

The key to achieving glowing skin is using ingredients that do not block pores and score a zero on the comedogenic scale. For example, if you are prone to oily or acne prone skin then you will not want to use a product that contains an ingredient with a score of 3 to 5. The Comedogenic Scale 0 – won’t clog pores at all 1 – very low likelihood of clogging pores 2 – moderatelyCONTINUE READING…

vegan handmade soaps

Vegan handmade soaps don’t have to be expensive, if you know where to find them. I’ve been using soaps for my hair and body for years, because it reduces plastic waste that is in shampoo bottles and shower gels. A popular weekly magazine, I think it was Grazia, did an article on soaps, and it showed a list of soaps – one of which was Chanel, but who has the money to spend £85 onCONTINUE READING…

self harm disorder

Part 2 of the 8 part myths about skin picking disorder blog posts, with the copyright of the text at therecoveryvillage.com. Myth #2: Excoriation is a type of self-harm. Fact: While compulsive skin picking is harmful to the picker, it is not a self-harm disorder. Self-harm, officially known as “non-suicidal self-injury” (NSSI), is a psychological disorder where affected individuals deliberately inflict destruction on their own body tissue. They usually do this by biting, cutting, scratchingCONTINUE READING…

Do you struggle with a mental illness, and you feel alone in your thoughts. Perhaps you don’t know how to communicate to your loved ones anymore. I feel like this a lot. When I’m depressed, I’m attentive to listen but it is difficult to make eye contact. However, the last thing I would ever want anyone to say about me is “that’s not my sister, or daughter, or friend”. That’s not what we need. WeCONTINUE READING…