so much to weep for

So much to weep for. I’m a sensitive soul. I think that’s why I am drawn to so much darkness on the TV, I think somehow that it will desensitise me from the pain. I worry about souls, and yet it’s not up to me to save souls, but to plant the seed. God will provide the increase. I was driving home from the allotment on Monday, and turning in and it was my rightCONTINUE READING…

BPD and overwhelm

When you breakdown in front of a health expert, immediately it comes down to mental health issues. Sure, I have a diagnosis of BPD and have still not heard back from the relevant dialectical behavioural therapy team, and I doubt I ever will. BPD and overwhelm is normal, and as a new mom it’s shown its face almost every day, at some point. Mostly in the evenings, but lack of sleep has certainly pushed itCONTINUE READING…