
Biden judges Americans. Looking at this article by Mairead McArdle, titled ‘Biden Says ’10 to 15 Percent’ of Americans ‘Not Very Good People’ While Slamming Trump’s Divisiveness, we shall see what scripture says about his comments. Joe Biden wants to be the next president and condemns Donald Trump in saying that he causes divisiveness. A lot of the media hates Donald Trump, but at least he mentions God, and is not afraid to hold aCONTINUE READING…

I was once hugely into manmade or conspiracy theories, until one Sunday I woke up and the ‘fight back’ didn’t matter anymore. I would spend hundreds of pounds every few months on notary publics, swearing on the bible, denying that I had to pay anything, sending accepted for value back for payment of bills, and even printing out my own promissory notes. I was fuelled by anger. I issued commercial liens to banks, the localCONTINUE READING…