Sometimes when the tears are flowing, I start to once again believe that these tears are not going to stop, but eventually they subside and the burden is less. I think the reason why crying is so shamed in our society is because we believe that once we start, it’s never going to stop. This just isn’t the case. Sometimes tears can last longer than some other episodes, but crying is healthy. Our tears reduceCONTINUE READING…

My doctor says that my compulsive skin picking, or dermatillomania, as its proper name, is part of the OCD family. Even though I’ve attempted to cure this disorder through many avenues, including dry fasting, iboga therapy, clinical hypnosis, prozac, sertrilline, duloxetine, visual coding displacement therapy, meditation, vitamin therapy, N’Acetyl Cysteine (NAC), tissue salts, acupuncture, I’m still plagued with this compulsive disorder every day. People tell me to just stop, but they don’t know what itCONTINUE READING…