pact coffee subscription

I’ve never been much of a bottled water freak, so I drank decaffeinated coffee from my Pact Coffee subscription for the entirety of my pregnancy, and throughout breastfeeding, to which I am still nursing into my eleventh month. Most decaffeinated coffees in the supermarkets are dry and tasteless, but the decaffeinated Lor is quite nice. Anyhow, when you buy a Pact Coffee subscription for decaffeinated coffee, there are only a few options, but the coffeeCONTINUE READING…

tesco shopping

This could be a comedy sketch if anyone had filmed it, paying for £40 worth of Tesco shopping with twenty, ten and five pences. I don’t like it when my purse is full of small change, so I keep the pounds and fifty pence pieces in a small piggy bank, while the twenty, ten, and five pences go in one tall silver container until it’s full. Well I finally counted out this tall silver containerCONTINUE READING…